The diplomat is critical of the barbarism in Latin America and the brutal means used in attempting to achieve independence.
It would cost the life of a noble innocent, both pure and true, by brutal means.
And what if the Soviet Union responds by trying to retain the Soviet empire with brutal means?
The English spent the next 50 years trying to exert their control over the Irish population, often by exceptionally brutal means.
And sometimes the teeming dystopias in their heads have to be brought down by brutal means.
Grace's mother Josie turns out to be the Senator's sister who disposes of possible rivals with the same brutal means as her brother.
Finally, by means sometimes brutal he impresses upon your mind his wishes.
But so far the government, using paramilitary forces, has managed to maintain a grip on the city, mainly through brutal means, British officials contend.
Hitler thereupon, said Keitel, gave various orders for carrying out an unprecedented terror in Russia by "brutal means."
Mr Mugabe made every effort to stay in power, using extremely brutal means.