After having to oversee a brutal punishment as an officer, he left the service.
Unlike the previous brutal punishments established during the Act of 1547, these extreme measures were enforced with great frequency.
Thus, they would learn why the Baron had decreed such brutal punishment.
Another player then could exert quick and brutal punishment on the helpless victim.
In the days before freedom, the slightest failure to show proper respect could lead to brutal punishment.
What would have been brutal punishment for most didn't seem to bother him in the least; Jamie was in awe.
These factors, however, were arguably the final events in a series of harsh and brutal punishments by the captain.
Reports indicate that political prisoners endure severe conditions, including little food or medical care, and brutal punishments; many are not expected to survive.
But the jarring crashes against the unyielding door were dealing him brutal punishment.
Inside the ring he was a furious brawler who gave and took brutal punishment.