By the time the Dutch West India Company employee Henry Hudson arrived in 1609, encounters with Native Americans were often dichotomized into two crude stories that alternated between 'delightful primitives' and 'brutal savages.
There were many more than anyone had expected - several thousand brutal green-skinned savages.
In the 30's and 40's, Indians were often depicted as brutal savages.
They were either noble savages or brutal savages.
"These are brutal savages and I don't see how anyone could ever like them-but I say: give them their chance!"
But, along with Disraeli's, my ancestors were priests in the temple of Solomon when the physical forebears of the original English speakers still lived as "brutal savages in an unknown island."
These low, brutal savages, fringing the dark mouths of the dens with their repulsive faces and members, greeted the hunter's progress with ferocious howlings and an inexhaustible supply of garbage.
"Yes, I am a Jew, and when the ancestors of the Right Honourable Gentleman were brutal savages in an unknown island, mine were priests in the Temple of Solomon."
He is confronted by irate commissar Chekistov (made-up name meaning literally "Cheka man") who engages in long diatribe telling of his contempt for Russians being lazy, insensitive and brutal savages.
William H. Foster III, associate professor of English at Naugatuck Valley Community College said, "they were comic foils, ignorant natives or brutal savages or cannibals".