The houses were all one story and sturdy, designed to withstand the brutal winds of spring.
The Kernaffi priests collapsed in a heap, only to be torn from each other by the brutal wind.
The temperature had dropped into single digits and a brutal wind swept up from the Hudson, blowing before it a few glittering flakes of snow.
Some of the cars were filled with out-of-towners who wanted to see if their vacation homes had survived the hurricane's brutal winds.
Earth has a magnetic field that protects us from killer radiation and brutal solar wind.
In the winter of 1978, a brutal wind blew into the valley, carrying with it torrential rains that ruined many harvests.
The Mistral is a brutal, exhausting wind, bitter in winter and harsh and dry in summer.
The brutal wind registered seventy-two miles per hour on the bridge anemometer, with gusts half again as strong.
But little here is normal after Hurricane Wilma's brutal winds and eight-foot storm surge battered the park last month.
They were surrounded by torrents of rain, all being blown sideways by a brutal wind.