His blue jays, for example, the birds brutally smash the shells of stolen eggs; one stretches his beak to catch the dripping yellow fluid.
He strove desperately to take me out, smashing brutally at my body with alternate ends of his stick, but no shot touched my suit.
Was that a shadow, or was it simply part of the trauma caused when a human skull smashed brutally into concrete?
Then saw it smash brutally into nothing but air.
Gregson brutally smashed the wrist of the man who had fired, who screamed in agony as the gun fell from his shattered hand.
You--" Karg's fist shot out faster than Peter's eyes could follow, smashing brutally into her jaw.
He goes into the dark dressing room, opens the trunk and throws the dummy on the floor, brutally smashing it.
But the new one charged through the enclosing circle and brutally smashed his full weight into the shoulder of the nearest Companion threatening Alberich.
As the guy goes to turn the music up, Terry suddenly and brutally smashes him over the head with an ashtray.
Unable to stand the barking of an invisible dog, Sebastian kills it by brutally smashing it against the cage wall.