"Come on buddy, I've got three hundred bucks riding on you!"
I got forty million bucks riding on Peter Alan Nelsen and you won't play along.
"I spent about fifteen bucks riding in a dozen different cabs."
"I had ten bucks riding on him to win," she complained.
And I had 10 bucks riding on this game.
- 14 hours ago Borrowed time Betty - bask in the glow now 'cause I got 10 bucks riding on you for the next in line in the "Celebrity Death Pool" Most people thought she died years ago.
She'd always played Candy Land as if she had a million bucks riding on the game.
I have, as the colonials would have it, big bucks riding upon this year's competition.
With the professionalization of the system, and big bucks riding on the outcome, the search would intensify for the Bear Bryants of campaign management.