So why endure the bucket showers in Sierra Leone and language barriers in South America?
Gone, for the most part, are the traditional, walk-in tents with their zip-front door flaps, long-drop loos and bucket showers.
The eight 1940s-style tents, all en-suite, come with chambray sheets, Persian rugs and traditional bucket showers.
"The bucket shower was insane," she reported after the first night in the village.
There are compost loos and bucket showers.
CFA5,000 a night for a cement room with a bucket shower.
Since the mid-1990's, the former French colonies of Southeast Asia have made enormous leaps in catering to tourists who prefer plunge pools to bucket showers.
Each tent has a mattress on the floor and private outside bathroom with hot-water bucket showers.
We've been here for three weeks and have established a community with compost toilets, water tank, recycling, basic power, a well-equipped beach kitchen and bucket shower.
They wouldn't have last 2 minutes in the HODR base with bucket showers, sleeping on a hard floor in a sweaty tent, getting flooded every time the monsoon rains hit.