At the construction site, there used to be a picnic area, a bucolic little corner where people could take an expensive little picnic.
For adventurous wine hounds, however, that just sweetens the pot, making a pilgrimage to this bucolic corner of the state a fortunate necessity.
They also journey to bucolic, remote corners of Italy, visiting people like Gianni Busetta, who grows capers on the island of Pantelleria, and Rosalba and Alessandro Cappelletti, who grow lentils in Umbria.
RESIDENTS of this little Sullivan County town are acutely aware that their bucolic corner could one day be an appealing target for developers as a site for tract housing.
Fairbank, whose passion for the ski industry and his bucolic corner in it has kept him at Jiminy Peak for more than three decades, has seen that, too.
At least not in Donald Trump's boardroom - or, apparently, on the golf course that Mr. Cooper runs, Trump National Golf Club in this bucolic corner of Somerset County.
"Tony Blair couldn't give a toss about the countryside," Mr. Pearman said, interviewed in the kitchen of the house he built himself on a 200-acre cattle, corn and pheasant farm in this bucolic corner of Oxfordshire.
But she and other business owners have failed to convince the town that what this bucolic corner of Connecticut needs is more advertising.
The bucolic, northeastern corner of Central Park is popular with fly fishermen drawn to its stocked catch-and-release lake.
It's a case of role reversal in this bucolic corner of Brookhaven Town.