One of the main ways that the almost $68 billion budget for fiscal year 1997-98 will affect Westchester is in property taxes.
In many states tight budgets have affected services even though specific programs have not been cut.
The governor's budget would affect two programs that help her.
Few state residents realize how severely this budget will affect one of their most basic and important services, the library.
"There are many concerns about how this budget affects the services to the people of this city," he said.
The reaction to the governor's plan among groups around the state was varied as well, depending on how the budget affected them.
Attention has focused on how the budget would affect the state's public universities.
How could the 2010 budget affect the government's deficit?
It would also ask the governor to explain how his budget affects local governments.
"I believe people are beginning to realize that late budgets affect them."