The revolt cost the British government 40 million pounds, which was twice the amount of the annual budget allotted for Iraq and a huge factor in reconsidering their strategy in Iraq.
These cost cutting measures included the budget allotted to the Christmas Lectures.
This year, Mr. DeConcini has attached it to the budget allotted to the General Services Administration, whose more normal activities include construction and upkeep of Federal buildings.
Based on the surprise success of Kut Klose's previous single, "I Like," Elektra increased the budget allotted for the four-minute video from some $80,000 to more than $100,000.
But they do cost about $5 million a year - nearly half of the budget allotted for getting excrement off the streets.
EVER since marketers began surging into cyberspace, they have wondered whether the rapidly increasing budgets being allotted to advertising aimed at computer users represented dollars spent well or simply wasted.
He also emphasized that Kiss could not have done extensive overdubbing even if they had wanted to; thanks in no small part to the Johnny Carson album fiasco, the extremely meager budget allotted to the band simply would not allow it.
However, the budget allotted to this council is a small fraction of the total budget of Orissa.
Buck offered to host the band for free, so that the US$13,500 budget allotted by Rockville could be spent exclusively to pay the fees of the recording studio and audio engineers David Barbe and John Keane.
Doubts remain as to including measures aimed at nature conservation and at the Natura 2000 network in the support programme for rural development, especially because there is no indication that doing so would prevent a reduction in the budget allotted to rural development.