The building work took over two years and (remarkably), was completed close to the £70,000 budget allowed for it.
The sweepers knew their job, and their equipment was as good as the budget allowed.
Most recently, bids on a street-level elevator at 33d Street came in higher than the budget allowed but the line will seek added money.
Virtually all states face budget problems and each state was left to follow the recommendations as their budgets allowed, governors said.
The stark simplicity was needed to keep within the £1,500 budget allowed for church and manse.
Since the oil-filled units were available separately in kit form, Blackfoot owners could easily upgrade once their budget allowed.
Recently, for example, she learned that the rocks placed under the waterfalls would cost $40,000 more than the budget allowed.
The time devoted to this first rehearsal depends on the budget allowed for the show, with Musicians' Union rates prevailing.
By 1849 the restoration process was discontinued and it was determined that $88,237.32 had been spent from the budget allowed.
The larger budget allowed for greater use of location filming in the making of the film than had been possible for its predecessor.