Some critics already say the nation cannot afford such big-science projects in a time of budget austerity.
In a time of budget austerity, the camps can be established faster and operated more cheaply than traditional prisons.
At a time of budget austerity, unemployment assistance is being strengthened and made more systematic in both countries.
The fund suspended its agreement with Poland in 1991 after targets for budget austerity were exceeded.
Both leaders said they planned to use "Mexico's warning" as a club to demand legislative support next year for budget austerity.
A national commitment to this effort, led by the President and Congress, is essential, particularly in an era of budget austerity.
And how relevant is an earned-income tax credit proposal in a period of budget austerity?
The nations of Europe are in revolt because the European Union seems to have no other policy to offer than budget austerity.
This initiative appears totally inopportune in a context of budget austerity.
Generous increases in funds are a fond memory in the current era of budget austerity.