Now the anti-missile project's budget and its role in military planning is declining.
The agency's annual budget declined to us$900 million in 2003.
As the budget declined, so did the number of city workers on the rat front.
But a closer look shows that the scientific budgets for most agencies will remain level or even decline under the president's plan.
Since 2001, the budget has declined by more than 37 percent.
Pentagon officials cite his efforts as evidence of their political will to eliminate some weapons systems at a time when the military budget is declining.
The department's budget has declined significantly during the Giuliani administration.
But the last four military budgets have declined in real terms, with spending for the current fiscal year estimated at $300 billion.
Their budgets are declining in relation to other segments of the court system.
Last year, its total budget actually declined slightly, to $12.2 million from $12.5 million in 1985.