Officials said a shrinking budget and cutbacks in funds forced the library, which serves 5,000 members, to close.
Construction started in 1990, but a limited budget forced an abrupt end in 1992.
The budget could force the layoffs of 2,000 to 3,000 state workers.
Tight budgets have forced layoffs of city employees and cuts in public services.
In addition, the limited budget forced the director to consider economical measures throughout production.
After paying for the windows, your budget might force you to do the job.
A tight budget will force you to be more inventive.
A tight budget and production schedule forced Taylor to record the song despite suffering from a severe head cold.
Rolling budgets constantly force management to think concretely about the forthcoming 12 months, regardless of the month at hand.
They say a tight budget forces them to balance the cost of cleaning up a site against the risk to the public if nothing is done.