Those budgets, he said, have shrunk by a third since 1998.
The prisoners also have access to rehabilitation programs, although prison officials say the budget for these has shrunk over the years.
His department's budget will shrink next year if he doesn't spend it.
The budget for fighting the disease, which in 1805 was $25,000 (equivalent to about $400,000 today), shrank to $1,500 the following year.
Freedom is breaking out all over and military budgets are shrinking.
In 1932, the Board of Education budget shrank by $12 million.
All of us in the race promise to balance the budget, cut taxes, shrink government.
That is particularly important today, she added, as corporate budgets shrink.
The agency's budget has shrunk to $7.6 million this year from $9 million in 1988.
It is a fact that the European budget has been shrinking for decades.