He has published many books for budget-conscious travelers and has been one of America's foremost budget travel authorities since the 1950s.
Its executives said yesterday that it planned to retain slower, lower-priced service that has always held an appeal with more budget-conscious travelers or those traveling between smaller cities.
I don't consider them an option for budget-conscious travelers.
Unfortunately for budget-conscious travelers, there are no youth hostels in the area.
The hotel itself was nondescript, the sort frequented by budget-conscious travelers with North American tastes.
How are budget-conscious travelers to know whether they have paid the best price, or even an average price, for a discount airline ticket?
But a new generation of smaller hotels is starting to serve more budget-conscious travelers, often in locations that are better than expensive lodgings.
Like most budget-conscious travelers, he had picked his dates carefully, aware that cheaper tickets are often nonrefundable and carry steep fees for changes.
Martinique has been a vacation hotspot for many years, attracting both upper-class French and more budget-conscious travelers.
A bobbing magnus-effect ambulance hovered near one of the massive, blocky tourist hotels, where budget-conscious travelers rented tiny, slotlike units by the cubic meter.