Despite nearly two years of harsh budgetary measures, Orbán and Fidesz are not only ahead in the opinion polls, they are way ahead.
If passed by parliament, the two provisional budgets for 1994, worth a total 21.94 trillion yen, would be the longest budgetary stop-gap measures taken since 1955.
He insisted that his government's budgetary measures to reduce debt were "sufficient" but that "when we have better visibility on our growth we may make adjustments".
For example, the consent of the upper house to legislation may be necessary (though, as noted above, this seldom extends to budgetary measures).
He also denied that the change was intended as a budgetary measure.
He said he would take extra budgetary measures in response to the quakes.
Last week, Senate Democrats joined with four Republicans to pass a genuine pay-as-you-go budgetary measure that would apply to both spending and tax cuts.
We cannot fund political priorities that would urgently need budgetary flanking measures, such as playing a practical role in climate policy, without putting earlier priorities at risk.
There are two categories: measures involving the market which, rather strangely, no one here has mentioned, and budgetary measures which, by contrast, have been much discussed.
These are certainly not budgetary measures.