Faced with budgetary pressure, the Russians pressed for a reduction to still lower levels of 1,500 warheads on each side.
It is a sign of budgetary pressures and new military thinking.
At a time of intense budgetary pressures here at home, some will ask where the American contribution to such a program would come from.
I'm afraid it is more related to budgetary pressures and fiscal priorities.
However the requirement was allowed to lapse, probably due to budgetary pressures of the time.
But the French were not immune from budgetary pressures.
The federal insurance program is under significant budgetary pressures.
He mentions only briefly the chronic budgetary pressures that gave rise to some of those problems.
Less growth will mean lower tax revenues, and even more budgetary pressures.
But since then, additional budgetary pressures have further compressed the appropriations, which are still in committee.