Each night I staked out that buffalo hide, and each day I worked at curing it before rolling it up to pack on the wagon.
They used the buffalo hides to make their dwellings and temporary tipis.
After Chief Iron Tail had shaken hands with the assembled guests he gathered the big buffalo hide about his shoulders, waived aside the crowd and walked away.
If the winter was severely cold, they might wear a brimless, woolly buffalo hide hat.
Bear Tail staked the buffalo hide to the ground, and slept atop it, while Pretty Rose covered herself with leaves.
One the Scalphunter, who says his trade is being a "buffaler" (buffalo hide trader).
Where have the buffalo hidden?
The shield combines buffalo hide with the feathers of eagles and owls, materials that suggest an even earlier time.
Then he folded the wet buffalo hide tightly around him so that only his ravaged face was still exposed.
The front gate, which looks like stretched buffalo hide although it is steel, is an experiment in textures.