'It's a Solvable Case' Other experts said it is not uncommon for investigators to spend months building a murder case before making an arrest.
Mr. Bernanke has taken pains to build a consensus before making any changes, and has gone so far as to put Mr. Kohn in charge of a special committee to review "communication issues," including the prospects for inflation targets.
To be honest, I think I would have preferred for him to stay in Brazil and build a career at home for a couple of years before making the move.
Specifically he wants commitments all around to build two mobile land-based missiles, the MX with 10 warheads and the Midgetman with 1, before making a new arms proposal in the Geneva talks.
The painstaking insistence on building a case before making it is a character trait that his colleagues find both admirable and irritating.
It seems odd that the company waited until the city had fully committed itself to building the parkway before making this offer.
Li Xieng of Shanghai had been first to speak up-after watching her model build for hours before making his pres ence known.
She built a career as a nude and fitness model before making the decision to act in pornographic films.