However, this was ten times the size of the Terran designs and had been built centuries before man had even discovered fire.
The kind of stench that had to build or accumulate over years, or maybe even centuries.
They may have been built centuries later using rests of a hypothetical now disappeared cloister.
The rue Sarasin was so ancient that in another city it might have been considered a landmark, a wide brick alley connecting streets built centuries later.
Agamemnon rattled his chain-mail adornment as he strode into the cold, enclosed corridors that had been built centuries before.
Now only one house remained, a stone cottage built centuries back and little changed.
He took a scrap of paper and drew an arch, reminiscent of those built centuries ago in European cities.
For less than $90,000, he bought a 16th-century house in his old neighborhood, as well as an adjacent old house, built centuries later.
This temple was built centuries ago and very much famous for its "Ratha Yatra".
Hestral had been built centuries ago as a military fortress, strong enough to withstand the most determined physical as-sault.