When the county gives money to municipalities to build fields, however, it requires an open-door policy.
What's wrong with building athletic fields right at the schools that need them?
The Town of Babylon would build athletic fields on the other 20 acres.
"We are not out there building athletic fields."
Kyle and his team continue to fundraise and are working to grow their organization to build fields around the world.
As well as housing the area has new town built shops, schools, churches, a community centre and playing fields.
Some have built fields to resemble major league ballparks.
The contractors who had made the deals paid no fees, but agreed to exchange the favor by building athletic fields.
The Incas built houses, fields and temples by cutting the rock on the mountain so it was flat.
In the past two years, it has sent coaches to 10 countries to instruct players, develop fledgling leagues and help to build fields.