She's the finest ship ever built, from a new design by master shipwright Kinnell.
In 2005 a new Mikvah was built from a design by Israeli architect M. Gorelik.
It was built in 1908 from a design by subway architects Heins and Lafarge.
The site of the battle is commemorated by a memorial church, built from a design by Aleksey Shchusev.
Since all 5.5's are build from a different design, the speed of each boat can differ as well.
It appears to have been built from a design in the book Rural Architecture by architect Richard Upjohn.
The church and rectory were built in 1869 from a design by Frederick Clarke Withers, who later on considered the former one of his best buildings.
This was built in a single effort, from a single design.
Their first church burned down two years later, and in 1854 they built the current structure from a design by the pastor, The Rev. Thomas Jackson.
He built the house, from a design by a local architectural firm, as a summer residence overlooking the nearby Hudson River.