After selling Paper Direct, they decided to build on their experience.
Why not engage local practitioners of age-old crafts in this work, and build on their experience rather than obliterating it?
While poet laureate, she said, she would like to build on her experience working with young poets and "draw attention to their works."
ASG courses are taught through adult learning techniques that build on the student's experience.
The center will build on its American experience, develop ties in other countries and become a multilateral partnership, tackling global concerns.
In summary, companies export only to countries that they understand then build on their acquired experience to explore opportunities further afield.
Now others are seeking to build on our experience.
I hope the next Parliament will build on our experience and deal with climate change and sustainability in a similar way.
Still, he said the police would remain vigilant in the coming days and would build on this year's experience to try to do better next year.
As a writer, you do build on your experience, but you also create another life for yourself.