Among other exciting developments is a FF2 million (£250,000) contract to build, out of composite materials, a human centrifuge.
Forts were then built out of mud bricks, stones, wood, and other available materials.
The cars are also built out of lighter materials that allow the train to move faster and put less stress on the tracks.
The building was 84 m x 36 m and built out of recyclable materials.
What's more, she says, they tend to be built out of unfussy, utilitarian materials.
Can't imagine anyone accidentally building something that size out of dark materials, so.
Demolition and how to build bombs out of various commonly found materials.
All the furniture had a rough-and-ready look about it, as though it had been built out of local materials by an amateur carpenter.
They had to build a raft out of materials provided with rope and paddle down a river to the finish.
The system will have no electronic or moving parts and can be built out of low-cost materials.