This group built solar panels for schools in a nearby town, so that less carbon dioxide needs to be produced.
We cannot build solar panels when other foreign countries in the far east can do it for less than what we can.
Our public debt is still rising by £3 billion a week but the Government still sends £2.9 billion to help the developing world to build useless wind turbines and solar panels.
Nanosolar has secured more than $100 million from investors to build a factory for nanotechnology thin-film solar panels.
A year ago, after training in computer and electronics repair, he was hired as a maintenance technician at a company that builds solar panels.
Noribachi Group in 2010 launched a new company, Solar Distinction Inc., to build 25-megawatt solar panels at a new manufacturing plant.
The church is built out of cast-in-place aluminium-coated concrete panels.
The Chinese get that - they're building solar panels like crazy.
They'll produce the fuel for fusion plants and build solar panels at maximum output.
It is building several identical factories around the world, producing large scale solar panels with high-tech, thin film technology.