If you have trouble keeping your weight up, it's critical that you take special measures to build your weight, energy, and resilience.
It develops their understanding of humanitarian issues, the skills that build resilience and encourages them to intervene to support others in crisis.
Transition Town projects aim to raise awareness of sustainable living and build local ecological resilience.
Develop and institute a holistic fitness program for Soldiers, families, and Army civilians in order to enhance performance and build resilience.
Why we need a welfare state that builds resilience (2011.)
One of the programme's key roles is to help key sectors build resilience to the impacts that may result from a changing climate.
Education is a critical protective tool to build preparedness and resilience against future disasters in an ever-changing environment.
But the recurrent nature of the crisis, especially in the face of climate change, also highlights the need to build resilience - in two ways.
Transition Towns a grassroots network of communities that are working to build resilience in response to peak oil, climate destruction, and economic instability.
Camp Quality are building resilience in the lives of children and their families going through the cancer journey by creating an optimistic community through fun therapy.