Dolphin Server, a spin-off from the dying Norsk Data built servers based on the 88k.
Later elaborations of the concept introduced build servers, which automatically run the unit tests periodically or even after every commit and report the results to the developers.
Servers function as team servers, continuous integration servers, or build servers.
Any company that plans to build servers on desktop platforms needs to satisfy end-user concerns regarding the quality of the desktop parts they're using.
The aim of the DIET project is to develop a set of tools to build computational servers.
So they added a 3GB switch to the Windows build servers.
They also built serial terminal servers from 4-port to 72-port units under the product name Annex.
It is clever to use this idea to build small and powerful servers.
Several businesses also build custom-specification personal computers and servers to order on-site, and many businesses are dedicated to hardware servicing.
Hudson became a popular alternative to CruiseControl and other open-source build servers in 2008.