At the same time, the National Housing Agency did not want to build temporary dormitories or shanties that would end up abandoned after the war.
They built tents and wooden shanties and put up a large sign welcoming the media and visitors to "Tent City."
Some have built wooden shanties; others have been living for as long as 15 years in cement-block buildings scattered along the length of the tunnel.
They built shanties and were assisted by Toronto residents.
Take Back the Land erected several tents and then built wood-frame shanties in order to provide housing for otherwise homeless people in the area.
Reclaiming timber and debris discarded by the sawmill, poor settlers quickly began building crude shanties for their families.
Friends said he often could be seen talking to passers-by or drinking with homeless people who have built shanties in a vacant lot near his building.
The town voted to allow "leasing of rights to build shanties on Town Farm Road.
Settlers first built sod houses, dugouts, and shanties, then houses and stores.
Some built shanties in the middle of the tunnel, but they had to make way for the new track.