There has been numerous attempts in the past to build transistors based on this principle without much success.
The effect is known as a Mott transition and can be used to build smaller field-effect transistors, switches and memory devices than possible with conventional materials.
Innovative ideas have been proposed to build practical transistors out of nano-networks.
Manipulating charge carrier density is the basis of the semiconductor industry, where chemical dopants and electrical fields alter the conductivity of materials, enabling us to build transistors.
They're not building transistors or forging steel.
The tick refers to creating new methods of building smaller transistors.
These findings from quantum mechanics have found many applications, and allow us to build transistors and lasers.
Texas Instruments said the technology allowed it to build transistors as small as 0.18 micron, allowing it to put up to 125 million transistors on a single chip.
Multiple threshold voltages: Modern processes can build transistors with different thresholds.
While we use an n-type transistor in our example, it's possible to build p-type transistors.