"If you'll be satisfied with the fixtures the builder installs you'll have no problem," he said.
In January, the board approved stricter standards that would force builders to install abatement measures in many commercial projects.
Some builders are installing complete fan-powered systems, especially in high radon potential areas.
In just eight weeks, builders have installed a foundation, erected a frame and piled up rooms.
At both plants, the leaks occurred in places where the builders had installed "penetrations" of the vessel.
In areas of Maine where radon levels are high, builders install the system during construction at a reduced cost of $250.
To prevent this, most builders install a saddle (also called a cricket).
Last month, the Buildings Department responded, saying, in part, that the builder "will be installing noncombustible bracing at required intervals."
The builders of the Tower Palace installed high-tech security measures.