The original building footprint was not needed for new building construction, but was slated only as parking and a retention pond.
As building techniques improved, it became possible to construct a larger building footprint and a more complex shape than the simple blockhouse tower.
Varying street widths could have a significant effect on building "footprints" and therefore on the accuracy of the overall model.
"Do you use the building footprint for porches, or put the extra cost in other amenities, like bonus rooms, finished basements, sunrooms?"
It may be argued that resources within the building footprint or on-site should be given priority over off-site supply options.
Their building footprint is believed to include the Tudor chapel of Essex House.
I think the landscape is everything outside the building footprint.
The size of the main weatherboard building is 450m2 and it has a staggered building footprint.
With a building footprint of 45,000 square metres the precinct incorporates commercial, civic and cultural programs.
They account for an impermeable surface which is up to three times that of the building footprint.