DESPITE their worries about a sour economy and the possibility of war, or perhaps because of them, people in Connecticut continue to spend serious money on building, rebuilding, furnishing and burnishing their houses.
Compared with these weaverbird cities, the main rest camp at Twee Rivieren is modest: a thatch-roof main building, a gasoline station and a few dozen square cottages, furnished like efficiency apartments.
The handsome Victorian buildings still standing on Main Street feature in many of his short stories and the adjacent ranch country furnishes the backdrop to his novella Of Mice and Men.
More than 25 buildings from the late 1600's to the 19th century, restored and furnished.
The building was "elegantly and comprehensively furnished, [with] marble everywhere", and certified ISO 9001 compliant.
Their buildings were large, substantial, and well-built, and furnished with modern conveniences.
More than 25 buildings from the late 17th to the 19th century, restored and furnished, are the backdrop for the annual fair, in its 19th year.