Central High began classes here in 1896 as the building neared completion.
The mammoth building off Euston Road is nearing completion, expected in a year's time.
An additional 15 buildings with 51 apartments are nearing completion.
The unfinished building was nearing completion in 2004, when Transnistria took control of it during that year's school crisis.
The exterior walls were built to accommodate these attachments, but this plan was abandoned as the building neared completion.
The building finally neared completion in April 1969.
Those buildings are nearing the end of their lives, officials have said.
Another 20,000 m2 is planned and the first three buildings are now nearing completion.
During the 19th century, as the building neared completion, there was a desire to extend the number of bells.
Within a few years this building was nearing its peak for pupil capacity.