Its bottom levels along the block-square bulk, where other buildings obscured views, housed maintenance, storage, and worker accommodations.
The City of Hamilton has long maintained a building height and view limit, which states that no buildings may obscure the Cathedral.
Sony withdrew after that, because the newer building obscured the sight line from the main part of the square.
Any communication towers or other buildings built in the downtown area must not obscure the view of the church.
In areas where tall buildings, bridges, or even parking garages obscure the signal, repeaters can be placed to make the signal available to listeners.
No high buildings or mountains obscure the radio signals transmitted over the Internet.
Then we cruised in over the field's perimeter, and the low commercial buildings along the side of the runway obscured the view.
"The building will obscure the vast sweep of one of the greatest views in Brooklyn."
They were visible from many miles' distance as one approached Regina by road from any direction, though multiple multi-story buildings now obscure the older ones.
Some believe it will urbanize the village and the buildings will obscure tree views for some residents.