In December 2010 the building reached the 22nd floor.
Unexpectedly, construction was halted when the building reached ten stories.
Earth-moving work began on the site in 1876 and by May 1878 the building had reached first floor height.
Where a place or building has reached its maximum capacity, further entry is only allowed upon a person leaving.
Life exists in two dimensions, not three; trees and buildings reach only so high.
The building reached its final height on 15 March 2006.
Thus the building reached a proper height but met the restrictions.
I think people finally changed their minds when the building reached 15 or 16 floors, and they said: 'You know what?
Constructed to last for five years, the buildings had reached the end of their life expectancy.
As a result, the building never reached its full capacity of around 100 students.