On June 3, 1880, Bell conducted the world's first wireless telephone transmission between two building rooftops.
When she finds him on a building rooftop, they admit that they miss each other and share a kiss.
A high school girl who suffers from bullying escapes to a building rooftop in her free time.
The group meets on a building rooftop.
And those streets would stay undisturbed, because all the work would be going on high above, on building rooftops.
After crashing a van, Randall is contacted via radio by an unknown person, who guides him to safety on a building rooftop.
Erin drops her off on the building rooftop and leaves her to a fight an oncoming demon.
As ideas run thin for escape, Paul offers himself as a signal for help on the building rooftop.
Here you are expected to reach the building rooftop with the fastest time possible.
The music video for the song was taken on a building rooftop in Berlin, right above the Alexanderplatz.