It was the first building west of Winnipeg to be faced with marble.
These galleries will be moved to a new eight-story building west of the lobby.
The renovation cost $500,00 and extended the building west to Wright Street and added a theater.
An 8.5-inch (22 cm) transit circle was housed in a separate building further west.
They took him to a small building west of Nuuanu where a meeting was in progress, attended by elderly Japanese.
In 1994 the library moved into its new building west of Fuller Lodge.
It was the tallest building west of the Mississippi River for many years.
It is also the tallest residential building west of the Mississippi River.
For half a century after its construction in 1914, the 42-story Smith Tower was well known as the tallest building west of Chicago.
The four-story building west of the loft will grow to seven stories.