There is even a small cheese plant being built across from the milking parlor, on property that includes 1,300 acres of crop land.
The high-sided bed was built into the wall directly across from him; the linen appeared clean, and the curtain was drawn back.
The hotel was established in 1942, and was built directly across from the noted Civic Center Mall.
A Methodist-Episcopalian church was built in 1888 across from the new school just north-west of Central Avenue.
Some of the early permanent structures on the West side of Minneapolis were built directly across from that building.
There are at least a dozen new subdivisions, and some houses have been built directly across from the Toyota plant.
In 1924, the Forum was built directly across from the old home ice.
The only reason Djokovic took to the game was because three courts were built across from the restaurant his father owned when he was 4 years old.
It was built in the wharf district directly across from the railroad station.
Scaffolding had been built across from the buildings on either side, and with great effort men were hoisting heavy roof beams up.