No expansion slots, and built-in ports for pseudo-plug and play ease of use.
The simplest way to distinguish a New World ROM Mac is that it will have a factory built-in USB port.
Still, the Thinkpad 240 eliminates the need for a replicator attachment altogether by offering a nice array of built-in ports.
The simplest way to identify an Old World ROM Mac is that it will not have a factory built-in USB port.
In another mode, its built-in USB port can be used to attach a printer, creating a print server.
It also features a built-in port that permits a more direct connection to a car's stereo system.
The keyboard is also backlit, so you can see the keys when the lights are off, and include 2 built-in USB ports.
Like the standard TI-84 Plus, the Silver Edition includes a built-in USB port, a built-in clock, and assembly support.
Both have a built-in USB port for transferring files to a PC without using a cable.
Produced by Moixa, the rechargeable cartridge comes in the AA battery size, and can be charged via a computer using a built-in USB port.