It also includes a single, striking sculpture: a bulbous, pink stuffed-fabric form with three twisted legs entitled "Reclining Nude" (1969-70).
The cabbage, with its bulbous form and intricate veining sensuously softened, is especially effective.
The strips are wound into bulbous forms with occasional slits where the edges are intentionally left unattached in this circular construction.
By constructing bulbous forms around sticks and branches, Donise English has created a group of anthropomorphic figures, which, despite their sketchy definitions, seem strangely empathetic.
"The Center of the Doll" (1936), for instance, is a gruesome but compelling arrangement of bulbous forms with two vaginas, a prominent navel and no head.
Small trinkets sell better than traditional pottery, and some potters have modified bulbous forms into simple cylinders so that more can be made in a shorter time.
The shape they have in common is a bulbous, wormlike form.
Ms. Champlin's big, explosive paintings of pixilated, balloonlike volumes and other bulbous forms are based on digitally scrambled self-portrait photographs.
Where there had been the occasional minaret, there were now the bulbous forms of orthodox churches.
Its bulbous form is reminiscent at once of a lunar landing module and a tumescent cephalopod.