Behind him, the door slid into the bulkhead wall and then closed again.
The swan was all but frozen into a strip of 10 feet against a high bulkhead wall.
Silence gestured to the Investigator, and they both placed their backs against the bulkhead wall next to the door.
She leaned against the bulkhead wall and took several deep, slow breaths as Alex stirred.
Then he grabbed the man by the wrist and pulled him into the bulkhead wall.
Lee, find the locker door marked 'B2,' on the bulkhead wall.
More often, he said, "you'll find it between bulkhead walls in the baggage compartment."
When he gave his command, the men dropped their tasks and hurried to slide open a bulkhead wall.
Dez leaned against one bulkhead wall, his expression turning serious.
On the bulkhead wall next to the door a man was strapped.