At the end of the two bulky arms were slender, delicate fingers, all out of proportion to the rest of the massive body.
The bulky, sinewed arms of a laborer, not a bureaucrat.
Their arms and hands, though bulky, were still close to human.
With a sword in that bulky arm, and with training, the man would be an awesome opponent.
A Newport policeman, a young trooper in a black leather jacket, held out his bulky arm to stop her.
He lifted his bulky arm and snapped his fingers.
He put his bulky arms around her waist and drew her close, his face growing sulky.
Stern thought he looked very much like a burglar, thickset, with bulky arms and bowed legs.
The muscles in his bulky arms tightened and flexed with blue-veined strength.
Curling a bulky arm around his jaw, he charged to get close, swinging with his right fist.