The uses for bull semen are pretty obvious.
Other computer programs help farmers select bull semen and help breeding companies track the success of their animals.
Cryogenic temperatures are also used to preserve certain biological substances, including bull semen (for breeding purposes), whole blood, and bone marrow.
Right now, he's selling bull semen on the Internet, acts as a broker.
The guy who sold bull semen.
He walked into the den and Delsa followed him, saying with kind of a smile, "Your father-in-law tells me you deal in bull semen."
The products of Rancho Bonito were quarter horses, pedigreed bulls, and bull semen.
We supply bull semen to breeders everywhere.
Which final products are directly or indirectly affected by the lifting of the ban on gelatine, tallow and bull semen?
And with regard to bull semen, can you state with a clear conscience that no disease can be transmitted through it?