Then the bull shook himself, turned his head and looked at us.
Bellowing and rearing on its hind legs, the massive bull lifted him bodily off the ground and shook him repeatedly like a rag-doll.
Suddenly the bull shook his head so that his ears clapped loudly, then reached out with his trunk to pluck a bunch of kit tar blossom.
In front of him the surly bull of a captain was shaking his right hand the grimace on his face indicating sharp pain.
I used to ride on your broad back;" but the bull only rumbled in his throat and shook his tusks in angry defiance.
Then the bull shook his head again, and Sean saw them.
The big bull shakes his head, looks Joubert up and down, and turns off the path towards the fever berry trees.
The bull shook its head, the huge ears snapping and clattering with the strength of the movement, and it squealed its fury and affront.
The bull shook his head, as if reading something different in Nelson's stance, in his eyes.
The bull shook its lowered head as, snorting and bellowing, it pawed the earth; then it surged forward to gore and trample the ape-man.