From this line seven large bulls stepped forth, and from their vicious appearance seemed disposed to show fight.
This time, in that event's Mossy Oak Shootout, the bull named Lefty stepped on his right ankle as he was bucked off, breaking it.
Turning, the black bull stepped toward the nearby creek, carrying his head high.
A native of Dalton, Georgia, his career was cut short when a bull stepped on him.
Then the door was suddenly thrown open, and three great bulls stepped into the apartment.
With an aggressive bull, a short length of chain or rope may be left hanging loose from the ring, so when he ducks in a threatening manner, the bull will step on the chain and be deterred from attacking.
During a qualifying round at this year's high school championship, a bull stepped on Mike Burger, a 15-year-old rider from Corning, N.Y.
"Because a bull stepped on it," she said at last, and added, "I think this is going to be a very long cruise."
Yes, Estrella," he said argumentatively, "but you said a bull stepped on you and broke your head.
The bull stepped back again.