And I thought, That bull weighs half a ton but to him it's his little toro.
The bull weighed a shade more than a ton and had never had a stiff battle.
A big bull weighs six tons, an average cow around four.
Mature bulls weigh from 500 to 700 kg (1100-1600 lb).
Mature bulls weigh 800-900kg and cows weigh 500-600kg at 135cm tall.
Mature bulls weigh on average 620kg and cows 520kg.
It is not very large: bulls stand about 140cm and weigh 900-1,100kg, and cows 130cm and 540-620kg.
Some sources say that bulls can weigh as much as 1,000 pounds; if this guy wasn't in the top five percent, he wasn't far behind.
The bull weighs 600 to 700 kg which is small by standards of domestic cattle, and they can be surprisingly aggressive.
The largest bulls will weigh 24,000 pounds(12 tons)and stand a little over (13 feet) at the shoulder.