The bullet destroyed most of his intestines and vital organs.
Whatever the laser touched, the bullet would destroy.
'If I'm killed, let that bullet destroy every closet door'
A bullet travelling with an upward trajectory would destroy the heart, but it might well lodge behind the shoulder blade.
A bullet will destroy or damage any tissues which it penetrates, creating a wound channel.
I knew that a well-placed bullet would destroy it all, but for a few seconds, I felt safe.
A look of utter disbelief passed over her face: she had no experience with what happened when a bullet destroyed a pressurized container.
Behind the last rib, the point at which a bullet or an arrow would pierce and destroy the air sacs white men called lungs.
The second bullet entered the back of his head and exploded the right side of it, destroying a major portion of the brain.
One bullet into a vital part would destroy the copter.