Heavy bullets whipcracked through the air around him, or hammered into brick.
The Desert Eagle's 240-grain bullets hammered the men into the side of the pickup, and they slid lifelessly to the ground.
He stared up in agony, watching bullets hammer body armor and flesh, seeing blood burst from the man who had shot him.
Broome saw him fire twice, both bullets hammering into the Prophet.
The bullet starred the windshield and hammered through the man's forehead.
The bullet hit the biker's face and hammered him to the ground.
They all seemed to be firing at him then, pieces jumping out of his flak jacket as the bullets hammered into him.
A bullet hammered past Sharpe, but he did not hear it.
As the heavy car surged forward out of the wide doors there was the boom of a gun and a bullet hammered into the bodywork.
Again, bullets hammered the paving and the air around Jon.