His voice disappeared as a single bullet ripped through his left shoulder and he fell to the ground mortally wounded.
The storm of bullets ripped into gunmen who were taken by surprise, cut down before they could defend them- selves.
Nine bullets ripped out of the muzzle before his finger left the trigger.
She heard the dull report of the gun an instant after the bullet ripped through her back.
As Buck dived into the plane, a bullet ripped through the bottom of the heel of his right boot.
Bolan sprang away from the trough as bullets ripped into the stall.
The leader stumbled, spinning in midair as bullets ripped into his torso, slamming him to earth.
Gorman cursed, then flinched as more bullets ripped through the fuselage.
He felt the Porter shudder as machine-gun bullets ripped through the left wing, behind him!
Citizens ran for cover as bullets ripped through the Long Branch Saloon.